Within the realms of paradise resides a destiny of destruction

Rising from that eternal darkness. When everything seemed devoid of light, the blinding realisation that everything was moving forward.

What was once an endless horizon is now a crossable line. The familiarity of the past has been shunned, the total feeling of comfort eroded like rust from the mast of a vessel once sunk. Everything that once was is no longer a reality.

I can remember that smile hat lit up those cold winter nights. Like a flame, you attracted me akin to the moth within. Yet as you vanished like a ship into the night, never to be seen again, you know that you left me with a dream that I would follow until I failed.

Three years on and how the tables have turned. Wherever you reside I still think of you deeply. Nothing will ever change that, I don’t miss you, but I do miss that guidance.

In a kingdom that I was once the pauper, I am now similar to a prince. Fame and fortune have come my way, yet underneath the blanket of comfort lies a bed of nails that I walk each day. Was it meant to be like this? I thought that forever I would be in an unknown zone, a place where I would be the pupil, and you would be the teacher. Was this the final lesson that you always told me to be prepared for?

I can remember the days where we gathered around the fire. The cups glistening in the pyre. It was almost like the language spoken was an unknown dialect, a familiar song, yet they lyrics drowned in an unknown symphony. Yet know as I gaze upon the lake that once held symmetry of dreams, all I can see is a reflection of a face I no longer know.

Was this the fate you once told me to embrace?

The walls of this kingdom that I have always wanted to call my domain, now just seem like a distant dream that I once craved to reside in. Everything so familiar yet all so far away.

If there is one constant it is that the power still resides within. The magical touch that seemed to transform lives, now nothing but a mere shadow of the light that it once resonated upon this darkened utopia.

With each sunset will bring a sunrise. A dawn of destruction, or a realm of unstoppable conquest. The boundaries may have stayed the same, yet the meaningful purpose of why is still so unclear.

It can all be removed in an instant. It can all end in a second.

Purpose? Prosperity? Persuasion. All have the answers to questions that I can no longer ask.

For time has a habit of shaking foundations, slapping you in the face of reality.

Time to stand up and face the moment. For when the unstoppable tidal wave of the past meets the mountain of tomorrow. A cataclysmic explosion will occur and within those ashes of fact will lay the ultimate truth.

Equinox 2014…………

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