Poem – The Phoenix who survived

Poem – The Phoenix who survived

Rising from the ashes, you spread your wings to fly

Reaching now for those final dreams, belief will never die

Beautiful and so glorious, the eternal bird of fire

Soaring up into the sun, leaving behind the pyre

Dreams are now your destiny; reach with all your might

You’re a powerful inferno, ablaze and in full flight

Yesterday is over, today has just begun

The sky is now your playground your home is now the sun

Destiny is in your grasp, forget the doubts and fears

Your flame will burn eternally for all remaining years

There will be times of doubt, and moments of pure sorrow

But one thing that is ever true, you’re the angel of tomorrow





Honoured to have someone tattoo the words to this poem on their back!


33 thoughts on “Poem – The Phoenix who survived

  1. Hi Dean,

    My name is Lainy and I am a complimentary therapist about to launch a therapy service called Phoenix Therapies . I would like to use the first two lines of your poem on my literature as they capture the spirit of rebirth and hope that the Phoenix symbolises.What do you think ?

    Cheers Lainy

  2. I wanted to make sure you didn’t mind that I used your poem to attached to a photo I took of a cloud that looked like a phoenix. I love phoenix’s (?) and when I needed to believe in a brighter tomorrow, a friend sent me that exact photo you have used. Here is the link to the photo I took, I have names you as poet, but if you are unhappy about me using your poem, I will gladly edit the photo and remove it. http://365project.org/skygirl/365

  3. Wonderful poem! Could I use this poem for my English course? My teacher wants us to introduce a poem for the class. Becuase the topic is ” life and death”. I think phoenix will be one of the bests to use.

  4. Hello! I am in a class to become a celebrant and with your permission I would like to use this beautiful poem as part of an assignment.

    1. Hi Dean,

      I’m looking into having an artist draw a phoenix for me on canvas. It’s a sentimental piece…wanted to have your poem included in an Old English looking font. May I use your poem?

  5. When did you wrote this beautiful poem?? As per my knowledge it is almost 15-16 years old as I had studied this poem when I was in class eighth. I was searching for this poem and finally got it. I hope that you are the original poet of this poem

    1. It was written in around 2003. But not published in a book until 2011. Though it was on my original poetry site. For those wondering about the story behind it, it was written about a friends recovery from drug addiction.

  6. Hi Dean, I came across this poem, after searching for a phoenix simple to symbol courage for ppl experiencing domestic violence. How well can I relate to your poem. I’d like to post it to my blog to empower others. I’d be honored to receive your permission to do this. I have not created the blog yet just researching what I want on it. I have no experience blogging. I’m just following my heart to help others sharing my truth. Once set up, I’ll give you the link to view, if you’d like.

  7. Hi dean, I really love your poem, It sounds awesome, may I use your poem for my story?

    My main character is a Phoenix hehe.

  8. Hi Mr Dean. I’m a clay creator and have been searching a poem for my creation to start of a Phoenix. I happen to stumble to your poem as soon as I searched and I am very interested in combining your poem to my clay.
    I’ve been in a depressed state since this pandemic and my only outlet is through clay creations to distract me from the worst situations.
    I have an Instagram under the psudeo name clayton_clays.
    With your permission, I would like to break your poem into 3 parts and I will indicate that this poem is by you in each panel.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this and I’ll be waiting for your reply.

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