Take the pain and move on

A change in life can bring a immediate exit from sustained normality.  We often have that feeling that life owes us something and when it rips the ground from underneath we return into a state of fear of the unknown.

Life, like time, continues in a perpetual motion. With each passing second the past moves further and further away. But we somehow cling to the pain of what we have lost in order to cling on to what we believe is familiar. I have certainly found myself doing that several times these past few years. When my life changed forever in 2006 it certainly was at my lowest point of life. I did everything I could to cling to what I once knew, knowing that the future was so unpredictable it was something I was afraid to face.

Remaining in the same house where the laughter of happier times were nothing more than a distant echo that mocked me with each thunderous bellowing roar. Yet we all reach a time where we need to move on. We have to let go of what was, and though we don’t see it at that moment, everything that we go through in life does make us who we are today.

The pain from life’s cruel and harsh lessons toughens us up to absorb more blows in the future. Akin to falling of a bike, you obtain the cuts and bruises, but the next fall does not seem too painful. We can never plan life, we cannot know what will happen tomorrow let alone next year. All we can do is adapt to each life-changing situation and be thankful for having the possibility of going through what we have. It’s never plain sailing, but after each storm comes the calm. We need to experience the pain in order to understand how pleasure feels.

Memories open up a box of emotions. Happiness, sadness, tearful, and regretful. But I think that everything happens for a reason and though nothing is tougher than life beating you when you are down there are brighter days just around the corner.

You just have, to never, give up.

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