Iphone app to help me sleep

I have found an absolutely wonderful app for the Iphone. It’s called Sleep Cycle.


Being an insomniac it is very hard to sleep at the best of times and this app is far more than just an alarm clock. It uses the internal sensors in an Iphone to monitor how may times you move in bed at night and monitors your quietest and most disturbed times.

During the night you go from light sleep to deep sleep, occasionally entering into a dream state which is called REM-sleep. These are things that your normal alarm clock does not care about, and will go off at the set time regardless of whether you are in a light sleep phase or in the deepest sleep. However, since you move differently in bed during the different phases, the Sleep Cycle alarm clock is able to use the accelerometer in your iPhone to monitor your movement and determine which sleep phase you are in. Sleep Cycle then uses a 30 minute alarm window that ends at your set alarm time and wakes you in your lightest sleep phase.

I used it for the first time last night and it showed that from 2-4am I was deep in a dream state and that from 5-6 I was “almost awake” which is true as I was.

The Sleep Cycle alarm clock is a bio-alarm clock that analyzes your sleep patterns and wakes you when you are in the lightest sleep phase.

Waking up in the lightest sleep phase feels like waking without an alarm clock – it is a natural way to wake up where you feel rested and relaxed.

It is going to be a brilliant app for me and I hope to wake up to face each day feeling as fresh and positive as can be.

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