Gazing upon photos That leans upon the wall Moved them by a thousand times Memories stand tall Faces so familiar Immortal images in time Moments encapsulated within our lives…
Sixes and rockets we played as kids Time and time we ran after school Eternally growing as boys Venturing into what we said was cool Endless days in Sherwood Nazir…
Laughter fills the room energyGlasses raised to the skyRaucous cheers of happinessThe smiles fly Talk amongst yourselves this dayRemind you of the times we sharedOnly family and friends can recallThe…
Once upon a time Days were in our hands All despair and heartache Live in distant lands King Lion played with the cub The jungle was our land That reality,…
A long embedded memory Of goalpost in the heather Shinpads tight as mothers hugs The familiar smell of leather Jumpers down for goalposts The winner first to ten No offsides…