Why we all need to take some time out in life

The last week in London went very quickly and it is slowly dawning on me that we are now in Mid March. Whilst this may not seem that significant it also reminds me that it has been this long since I last spoke to my mother. For those who are not avid followers of my blog my mother admitted something on New Year’s Eve that not only changed my life forever but also my entire family. During this time I have been fully supportive of my father and I am happy to say that the last few times that I have spoken to him he does seem to be pulling through.

It is without any doubt the longest time I have ever gone without speaking to both parents and as much as it hurts me to do it I needed the time in order to take stock of the situation and evaluate my own feelings of the matter. My conclusion is that whilst life will never be the same parents are not around forever and though the next few encounters will be frosty, life is too precious to waste.

But the last week was also one that will stay in my mind for a long time. A simple trip back to the city where I grew up allowed me to take a breather from the madness of writing and added an element of perspective back into my life. New friends were made, new experiences forged and it was that very reason alone why I knew that it is the people that matter the most that really count.

Often we surround ourselves with people in our lives that may seem important or senior at the time but in reality they will quickly fade into the past as we move onto pastures new. Life is indeed like a train ride and the people that only stay for several stops really should not count, it is those who board the entire journey with us that are the precious ones.

Life is never about just living in the moment or for the day, life is about carving a path that you intend to follow and with the help of those who stand by our sides it is a path that can be full of enjoyment. Tranquility will never follow us for eternity but enjoyment will come in phases.

Above all we need to take out some quality time in order to remember just where we are in life and what are priorities are. Life is a gift that we cannot abuse, why waste it?

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