Why religion is such a powerful topic

So I had my first conversation with a Swedish person today. I was coming back up from the basement and there were two ladies stood outside. After explaining that I was not Swedish one of began to converse in fluent English. She was asking me about my move, how was I finding life in Sweden. It took be by a bit of a surprise but I found myself engaging in a friendly conversation as it was the first real communication I have had outside people I know within the last two weeks.

She then said that there were six questions to life, and the pamphlet that she gave me would provide the key to The Truth in life. Of course I instantly knew that she was a Jehovah Witness and I politely said that I would read the pamphlet and then maybe arrange a meeting later. Now I have no intention of becoming a Jehovah Witness, I am Pagan and always have been and nothing in my lifetime will ever change that. Yet I do always give other religions time, I listen to what people say and try and envisage their lifestyle, rituals and beliefs.

In this complex world in which we live in we all have a right to choose a belief that defines our thoughts about something higher than human existence. Some choose not to belief, others choose a belief that runs every aspect of their day; others like myself choose something far simpler and less complex.

The six questions that are listed under “Would you like to know the Truth” are

Does God really care about us?
Will war and suffering ever end?
What happens to us when we die?
Is there any hope for the dead?
How Can I pray and be heard by god?
How can I find Happiness in life?
No doubt the two people whom I met today will come back and explain that all of the answers are in The Bible and of course I will not be rude or ignorant in politely declining any offers to continue further persuasion to join but I am not that rude to just dismiss.

Of course I have my own answers
1. I don’t believe in any higher being
2. Not unless man can put humanity before religion
3. I’m Pagan, I believe in the Summerland’s
4. Yes the Summerland’s
5. As number one I don’t believe in god so therefore have no need to pray.
6. Look within your heart and start the journey from there.

Questions that I have my own answers to, my own perceptions of. I hope that when I do have the discussion with the Jehovah Witness they will be of the same respect and hold the same level of compliance and understanding as myself towards other religions.

Religions are a topic that will always be at the forefront of mankind’s greatest errors, war, conflict and political division. Yet it also remains the strongest path of life mankind can feel.
A powerful topic indeed.

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