Why play god?

This week saw the start of a 20 year project, using a particle accelerator, The Large Hydron Collidor (LHC) scientists hope to unravel the secrets of how the universe began.

8,000 scientists from 85 countries want to analyse the particle collision and hopefully recreate how the universe began so they can “Learn from this”.

Of course world wide pandemonium began with freaks saying it was the end of the world, which actually made one girl one girl take her own life. And then there were the hackers who were minutes away from taking control over this massive science project that allowed scientists to create the largest amount of man made power since the neutron bomb.

Don’t get me wrong. I am all for experiments if it improves the standard of living or can benefit our lives for the better. But this cost over £5 BILLION

What that money could have been spent on? Hospitals, medical research, third world relief, it could have made the lives of hundreds of millions better.

It will probably lead to nothing, it will piss off Catholics and appease Atheists. I just feel its money down the tube.

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