Sometimes something can take you back to a moment in time that is no embedded in your sub consciousness you forgot that it ever existed.
It is often refreshing when that happens as it feels like you have just stumbled upon an old photograph that you have not seen in years, a moment captured in time that instantly takes you back to a time in place that holds special memories in the vast space of our own minds.
Today was one of those days I was casually reading through some emails when I found one from an old friend who I had lost contact some ten years ago. We added each other on Skype and throughout the day have been talking about the old times and what we have been up to these past few years.
Though time has taken us apart and the years have brought many changes in love, work, family and friends the mere fact that we can simply pick up as though we were talking yesterday is a testament to how strong some friendships can be.
As we get older friends come and friends go and before we know we, are often alone with only a handful of friends that we either come to love just through the amount of time we have known them, or new friends that we cannot enjoy the past with.
I, for one, will hold as many friends as I can close to my heart now as I know that as time moves on friendships in life become more and more precious to us all.