The magic of Autumn

There is something about Autumn that makes me wonder if there is a distinct possibility that seasons can change the course of someones life. After thumbing through some old diaries the other day two things arose which made me believe this maybe the case.

My last two relationships lasted six and five years. Nothing unusual there I know but the fact that both begun in June and ended on the same day (Aug 31st) made me think that this was just far too coincidental.

The minute Autumn begins (Sep 1st) I feel alive, refreshed and invigorated. It is like the shackles of the past are always removed and I feel so confident, so powerful and alive. This feeling usually lasts until the first signs of winter approach.

I know that I am Pagan and that we do have a sense in the seasons affecting our lives but I have never really thought about it too much until now. Most people here in the UK are always sad to see the end of Summer but in all honesty when is the last time we had anything that actually resembled a stereotypical Summer? 2003 by my reckoning.

The smell of bonfires, the leaves that fall from the trees and cushion our paths as we tread carefully towards the cold. The auburn horizon that lines the fields, the chilly winds and darker evenings.

There is something magical about Autumn, something unique. In an ever changing world where the seasons seem to merge into one wet constant mess it is Autumn that remains the solitary king.

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