The beginning and end of the Equinox

As I gear myself up to return from Brazil I realise that today is an important day for Pagans. It is Mea’n Fo’mhair or in English the start of the Autumn Equinox. The end of summer and the beginning of the new season.

Each time this day occurs I feel a shift within within me, as we pay respects to The Green Man I feel something that only really occurs once a year, the strength within me grows. It is akin to losing all hope and strength and then feeling an overwhelming return to power, all in one day.

But in these times there is always the interest in Stonehenge that resurfaces. What is it? Where did it come from? Is it fake or real? Please just leave it alone! There is a thin line between respect and obsession. The laws that be have already stripped us of the opportunity to pay respects and get close.

Now I hear that a new archaeological dig has found that carbon-dated the stones to 2300 bc, some 300 years older than originally thought of. Some are questioning that is a place for healing, others say it a burial place of ancestors, some say it is just a place to worship. Great, whatever, argue just LEAVE IT ALONE.

How would others like it if they started digging up and poking around with important religious artefact’s? I think that we Pagans are just laughed at at times, the interest is there but the respect never is. Despite the fact that we are one of the oldest beliefs around and still going strong today.

As the Equinox begins, leave us be and let us respect in peace.

Blessed be.

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