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Over the past several months the UK tabloids have become somewhat obsessed with filling the sheets with ever increasing stories about ‘UFO’ sightings. Ranging from lights hovering over the outskirts of the English countryside to the full abduction of people. Also made more popular by the obsession of the ever so eccentric music star Robbie Williams, it has somewhat grabbed the attention of many a friend of mine.

I have viewed a lot of footage on Youtube and me being the sceptic always like to keep an open mind. The positive argument is that in the vast space that we live in we are but a mere speck of dust in the overall complexity of the universe. So the remote possibility that we are alone is very small indeed, almost microscopic.

Yet, to me, the evidence that life forms outside of our own existence exist are not really enough to convert me into believing. Why is is that all of these sightings only seem to happen around small village towns? In the USA it is always some remote farm in the middle of nowhere and in the UK it’s the same. Are these aliens just after corn? Or do they have some kind of fascination with cows and horses? Also they travel across several thousand light years in ships so far advanced that even the latest machines created by man are thousands of years behind, and to do what?…to hover around and then bugger off back again. What a waste of space petrol.

Also crop circles, what the hell are they all about? The creators travel across the galaxies and when the world is at sleep they create the most unique and fascinating patterns, so complex that even the most intelligent of scientists are baffled by the mysterious symbols. What’s the matter? Cannot the just spell “Oi! Earthlings, contact us..if you get a message leave your name and number”, much easier.

So Robbie Williams et all, please keep being bizarre and contacting the aliens that one day we may see, but I will not hold my breath. For now I leave you with a small teaser.


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