Standing on a mountain I view the crimson sun
Thinking of where I’ve been and how this all begun
Escaping the world of darkness, longing to be free
Etched my dreams into my soul for all eternity
Those that tried to stop me, those who said “Just die”
Dare you now have the courage to look me in the eye?
My heart is on fire now it’s free from your remorse
No matter how much you doubted me, I’m a pure unstoppable force
Nothing hits harder than life and all the trouble that it brings
Yet it cannot keep this raven down even with clipped wings
I refuse to be a rat in life, running circles in its race
Failure is not an option; just look me in the face
For what you see is what you get but you cannot keep me down
Because I will be victorious and wear my golden crown.
Against All Odds – Poem

Thank you for this powerful poem. I recently found it as I searched for a reading at my small graduation ceremony. This poem spoke to the challenges I have faced not only in the last three years of my Master’s education but to life has presented to me before beginning my education.
I cannot express my gratitude for this work, and I hope to share it with others in my community. As an acupuncturist, an artist, a poet, and a Pagan, I will find many avenues with which to read this work.
Thank you so much,