Sometimes you wonder if we are trapped in our solitary isolation because of who were are. Is it a generic hereditary reason that we are who we are or do…
I am pondering the question “Do romantic guys ever win in love?” Take a guy who is romantic, kind, honest, caring and loyal. The sort of man who knows his…
There is something about Autumn that makes me wonder if there is a distinct possibility that seasons can change the course of someones life. After thumbing through some old diaries…
I read an interesting article today about how the retrosexual man is capturing the hearts once more amongst the women here in the UK. During the 1970’s and 1980’s…
Sometimes when life has battered you into near submission you need to escape and draw breath. Go to a place that feels as part of you as the land. Remove…
It is not every so often that journalists exhaust the dictionary with their praise of human achievement but in the last week this has been the case. ‘Brilliant’, ‘Sensational’, ‘Superb’…
I have always been fascinated by mythical or mysterious creatures that have spawned legendary tales for decades. One of which is Bigfoot. So my ears somewhat pricked up when I…