Never be afraid to say "I Love You"

What is love? Quite possibly the most difficult question we can try to answer.

Since the dawn of time our primal emotional feelings have grown from a bond of human attraction to the most affluent of displays of affection to prove to the person that they indeed own our heart. To some people love is a friendship, to others it is the bond of a family, and to those lucky ones it is the most meaningful person in their lives. Indeed love can easily be described as the pure essence of happiness. But do we fall out of love as easy as we fall in.

Can you remember the time that you saw the person that you love for the very first time? Oh those feelings! The butterflies in your stomach when meeting them for those very first times, the actual physical pain when you were not with them and the very thought of them being the first and last thing that you thought of each day. They were the very essence of your own existence and everything else just was deemed to be immaterial and non existent.

Yet can that emotion remain?

It is human instinct to change our own behavioral patterns over time. The more familiar we are with something the less it seems we are fond of it. It becomes routine, the norm and soon the mind embeds it into its own sub-conciousness and begins to want to move on to the next thing. After five, maybe ten years can we as human beings still feel those initial feelings of those first few days? Yes we can on an occasion such as an anniversary or birthday yet do we owe it to those we love to remain on that same level of emotional consistency?
They say that “Love is patient, love is kind.” It is void of jealousy but does not become arrogant; it offers itself in a manner that those we know feel but those we don’t cannot see. It revels in triumphing over adversity and that is the best feeling.

Can we remain on that level of emotional consistency? Yes we can!
Always remain truthful in love, don’t rush it, and don’t fall into it confusing it for lust. Love will come when you when it is ready not when one demands it. It is akin to all your emotional dreams coming true at the same time. Love can be felt by more than just two people; it’s a collective emotion that can bond with many.

It connects those with a level of trust, loyalty and intimacy that you simply cannot define. A relationship is forged from the binds of our own existence and a fire is lit that cannot be extinguished. Love needs to be experienced and shared, not just felt. It is so deep its immeasurable. Take parental love as an example, the bond between mother and child changes the minute a child is born. It’s a pure unconditional love, unbreakable no matter what is thrown it’s way.
Love can be defined in many different ways. Romantic love is powerful based on the foundations of a physical and and interpersonal bond. Family love is more platonic, being defined from the people that gave us love in the very first place. The physical love becomes a parental love and the definition of the word continues to grow. Love will be felt on an individual basis depending on the person and will no doubt change over time but we owe it those we love to continue providing the emotion. Until the end of our very lives.

So please the next time that you see someone you love, partner, parent, child, sibling or friend don’t be afraid to say those three words “I love you”.

Because since the beginning of time, no three words have ever been so powerful.


  1. Jarenya

    Um, wow. You're an amazing writer. I love this. Are you still living in Sweden? I read it on your facebook, don't worry I'm not stalking you, haha. The last time I went back was last year and I miss it like crazy! You're so lucky to be living there, if you still are.

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