Live for the moment, not for the memory

There are periods in our lives where we are bounded by time.

Phases, moments that are sometimes defined by regulations outside of our own control seem to sometimes make us think about a negative future rather than a pro-active present.

This weekend I took a trip to a new part of Sweden. Now I know that this does not sound that impressive but it made me think about life in depth. When I first moved to Sweden, everything was so new. Life, language, cultures and creeds were all far removed from London life. Yet as time moves on you find that you become conditioned into a society. Yet the life and land that you reside in become part of you.

The tiny city that I moved to is now more like a village. A trip to the local pub or store and people know you by name. The limited language that you have learned is suddenly giving strangers directions. The familiarity of where you live conditions you into becoming part of life here.

But step outside that familiarity and transport yourself into a strange environment and once again you become a stranger. A face that is unknown, a name that is unfamiliar and, of course, a land unexplored.

The once unknown journey is again reignited within our hearts and it pours fuel upon the heart of exploration. A place that maybe you won’t be forever yet a love is rekindled that made you move here in the first place.

Life is forever changing and we adapt with it in order to survive. What can seem like an eternity can be a mere moment in the grand scale of all things. Yet why we are where we are, how we choose to live can be best left out of our control.

Rather than focus on when something may end, instead try to focus on where you are. Life is about moments. Moments become memories.

Remember moments rather than milestones.

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