Life is tough, just keep moving forward


Something about a full moon that makes the mind think on a grander scale. The end of a phase, the closing of a month. So much easier to see a full moon than new.

These moments make us reflect. A chance to think of the past, assess the present or foresee the future. This moon took me back to 2007 today. It was the time when I last recall genuinely looking at a moon and thinking. Dark days they were.

I’d say without doubt the most difficult period of my life. Just like the ending of the lunar phase a chapter in my life had come to an end. Relationship had finished, the long-term house I was in was suddenly empty, my career had gone, and the friends I had moved away.

It took a momentous decision to leave London and temporarily return to Bristol, but it was a decision that allowed me to start again.

Currently I sit here in Sweden, far away from home. Far away from friends and family. Though Sweden has been home for a few years, there is still a degree of isolation, that is felt at times. Yet we can draw strength from the past. That dark time six years ago forged strength within that defined resolve itself. I knew from that moment that no matter what life threw at me, I certainly would not back down.

He we are some six years on and I feel like a gulf of change is about to wash over me again. For the better or for the worse only time will tell. Yet you don’t have to be a genius to rely on your own self-intuition.

Sometimes life takes us far away from where we want to be. Removes us from the comfortable place we call home and tears us away from the ones we love. Maybe we need that escape; maybe we need to challenge ourselves to something uniquely different in order to find out who we truly are.

The courage of changing that we are comes from the person that lies within our hearts and soul, not just what we have been through in the past. When we know we have been at our lowest, we are in the knowledge that we will survive whatever life can throw at us.

Change is coming and quickly. Yet as, I stare down this wave that will wash over me, I know that no matter how hard or testing the journey I will once again find land.

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