Fate vs Fear

Sometimes life changes extremely quickly.

An event, moment or decision can mean that your world suddenly changes from one of familiarity to one of confusion. We all feel these moments in life, and we all deal with them differently.

When I first moved to Sweden it was for a reason but now the situation is different. Of course, I could have just packed up my life and moved back home, but that would have defeated the object of a life ling move. When life takes you to places new it doesn’t mean that one significant change has to be the end.

I believe that every end dawns a new beginning. Things have changed, life has changed and it all different now. But when life does hit you hard it’s about how you keep moving forward that matters.

Sweden is a beautiful country with many fabulous and passionate people. This winter will certainly not be one of staying in watching TV. This winter I will be traveling the entire country, visiting and meeting new people and then we will see just what happens in the Spring.

Everything happens for a reason, and we take the good and leave the bad and life will always work out in the end, and the people that we meet along the way are the ones that define life for us.

Sweden is my home, for how much longer? I will leave that up to fate. But no matter what happens from this moment on, I am going to make sure I enjoy every single minute.

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