Coming home for Christmas

So I was meant to be here for three days, alas the snow meant that I have been here for almost two weeks. This place where I was raised is a place that I can in a distant part of my life I can call home. In the past few weeks I’ve caught up with several old friends and have been walking around and seeing the place that I grew up, the streets I frequented as a child and how life has changed this past twenty years.

What I have realised is that this place is one where you either stay or leave, simply nothing in between. It has been refreshing to see some of my friends walking around with children of their own and looking back it’s hard to believe that the age that their children now are seems like I was exactly that age only yesterday.

Then there are some that, like myself, have moved on and coming back to this place is like coming back to a different town each time. Of course many things stay constant but also things move on very quickly. Then there are some that have just gone, unfortunately, downhill. Several of my friends have hit the bottle and have not only become reliant but also dependent.

But the friends that have made it, the ones that are happy and the ones that have sunk one thing remains constant and that is that Yate will always be Yate. No matter how much I come back to visit or how infrequent my contact with those that live here it will always be a part of my life.

My parents still live here, my sister (even though we no longer speak) still lives here and as long as I have connections here then I’ll always pay a visit.

Yate & Chipping Sudbury are part of my life.

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