Category: poetry
Hemlängtan till Sveriges famn
Jag kom till Sverige och fann mitt hem, där vinden susar så sakta nu. Mitt hjärta slog, jag kände ro, för här är hemma, här är jag nu. Jag kom…
The Gambits Check Mate of Revenge
A poem written about a person jilted by another yet they take revenge like a slow game of chess
Touch Of An Angel (Poem)
A poem written about a nurse who is an unsung angel in life but in those who remember her will never be forgotten. A thank you to all in the…
The last song of life
A poem written in tribute of a friend who passed away recently who was fond of spending thier last days in a garden listening to birds singing.
Through Sun, Wind and Rain (Poem based on Football)
A poem based on a father and sons journey through football and growing older together
Death has no sorry – Poem
Death has no sorrow - A poem based upon someone dying surrounded by family with no regrets, just happy memories and to say "Thank you"
Arcadian Desire – Poem
A poem written about chasing a dream in life and making that dream a reality.