Beating the bullies

Why are so many people just pure idiots? Life is not all about rushing around like headless chickens. We often do tend to fall into a routine of living everyday life and becoming part of the “rat race” but do we all have to take life so seriously?

There are occasions where life can seem frustrating and get us down but those who tend to take it out on others are to me just very sad individuals. I’ve encountered two such people today both thinking that they are more important than they actually are. One reduced a girl to tears but it’s not her fault that unlike this rather rude and obnoxious man that she has her whole future ahead of her where as he’s has already passed him by.

These bullies that can make or break people have a lot to answer for and the answer clearly lies within their own inability to make their lives better. For not pushing yourself to realise your dreams and full potential to me is a waste of life. Life is the most precious gift we have so why abuse it and possibly hold down the dreams of others just because they failed?

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