Those who know me will agree that I love travelling; it’s one of the only perks I enjoy in life. To travel these days is cheap, affordable and if you plan it in advance something of a joy. However there is such thing as overkill.
The past three weeks I’ve only been in my home four nights (not including weekends). Paris, Liverpool, Ireland, Birmingham, Nottingham…the list goes on. Now some may think that this is a life they would like to lead but I would not want them to live in my shoes.
I’m in Paris again for the third Monday in a row; I’m sitting in yet another strange hotel overlooking a place I do not know listening to a language that I simply cannot understand. A sense of confusion, entrapment and a longing for a Subway are all floating around in my head somewhere. Tomorrow it is another destination and then a 6am flight out to Sweden.
At least I can relax in Sweden, though I do not officially live there yet it’s like my second home. I can relax, not do anything too much, walk down to the pub for a beer or just watch TV in the comfort of the apartment.
Travelling is a luxury that not all have, and I am grateful and thankful for ever place, every person that I know. I just wish as times I did not have to travel so much.
I'm envious, but I can certainly understand missing the comfort of home. When I am able to take a trip, I try to add a few days just to be at home with no plans or obligations.
Yeah it is hard to tracel so much but I try and do what I can in order to get through it. I know I am lucky really.