Sometimes its right to be wrong

Part of life is working with people that we do not get on
with. This will inevitably happen at some point in our lives.

When we do we can get around it is many different ways, we
can keep quiet and carry on, adapt a change in our working ways or we can speak
up and speak to those who do count in order to express our views. Yet there are
times when we need to do something about it. This time for me was last night.

Living in Sweden and working in the UK is not that easy.
Whilst those who envy my traveling and the life I have I have had to make many sacrifices
both personally and workwise. It is hard for me not to be in London all the time;
it’s hard for me to be so far away from the daily meetings with publishers and
those I work with.

However there is one person in particular who is just so far
out of their depth that I am now in a position where I can no longer work alongside
or for this person. They have no idea the deadlines about completing certain
tasks or what is involved with screenplays or novels. They think that
everything can be done so much quicker that what it can be.

Ok so I spoke to the chief person last night and fired off
something that I should not have done but in hindsight it was the right thing
to do. Now on Monday I will find out my fate. I am either going to have to
apologise or they will see, and many others views, that it is just simply
impossible to work with this person any more.

It is not a case of me changing the way I am, they simply
need to change the way they are. I am certainly going stand my ground on this

If it all goes badly then there is a strong possibility that
I will have to move back to the UK within weeks. If it goes well then I know
that the people in charge of this publishing house know that, for once, I am in
the right.

Watch this space. It could be life changing.


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