Do you know something that really makes me angry? I’ll tell you.
Everyone has their right to walk past a homeless person. There is no obligation to give money to someone you do not know. I know that even in the past I have been more than charitable and given out money to a homeless person only to see them spend it straight on the strongest cider available.
I often give money to several charities but the two things that are really pissing me off lately are firstly charity collectors. Ok I give money to the blind, animal cruelty, children that have been abused and now and again any country that has suffered from a natural disaster. This does not make me a saint but I like to do my bit.
Here in the UK you will often be stopped by a student in the street who will ask you for a bit of your time, they will then read off a script about how a small donation can help the various charity, etc. But these days if you are not interested then they are becoming SO abusive. Just the other day I was stopped by a woman collecting for the WWF, I already said I gave to the RSPCA but she just went off on one saying that my money spent on beer could be better spent, what right does she have to tell me how to spend my money? I would have thought about it if she was not so rude.
These collectors get paid on a comission basis so the more donations the more they get paid. It makes me think do they really care?
The second thing that gets on my nerves is when guys who know they are in a flashy suit, they know they are well off walk past a homeless person in a group of two or three then give them not even enough money to buy a bar of chocolate and say “Be grateful”. Just as a funny statement to their friends. Idiots.
Sorry….rant over.