Since You’ve Been Gone (Poem)

Since You’ve Been Gone (Poem)

I never got to say goodbye,
My words were left unsaid.
They haunt me in my sleep at night,
Knowing that you’re dead.

I should have called you,
Yet I was busy in routine.
Now I’ll never hear your voice again,
Your face is now unseen.

I dream of moments we could share,
But life swept us apart.
Now silence echoes where you stood,
Like a silent knife within my heart.

In memories, I see your face,
An eternal smile in time.
A song of grief rings in my head,
Time is the only real crime.

I never thought you’d leave so soon,
Still waiting for your call.
Though I know the calls and texts are gone,
All that remains now is silence, that is all.

If I could turn back time, my friend,
I’d speak those words unsaid.
But those times are gone forever now,
Yet your voice stays in my head.

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