The magic of Autumn

There is something about Autumn that makes me wonder if there is a distinct possibility that seasons can change the course of someones life. After thumbing through some old diaries the other day two things arose which made me believe this maybe the case. My last two relationships lasted six and five years. Nothing unusual …


I have spent the best part of a week back where my parents live and also the small town where I grew up. The town is nothing special, in fact it is slightly famous for being a depressive place to live. Not much to do in the way of entertainment if you are young, several …

Return of the retrosexual

I read an interesting article today about how the retrosexual man is capturing the hearts once more amongst the women here in the UK.   During the 1970’s and 1980’s if a man so much as even admitted to using aftershave he would be ridiculed down the pub with by his friends. Even in the …

Applauding pure talent

It is not every so often that journalists exhaust the dictionary with their praise of human achievement but in the last week this has been the case. ‘Brilliant’, ‘Sensational’, ‘Superb’ are just many of the accolades that have been praised upon US swimmer Michael Phelps and his achievements in Beijing. During my life I have …