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Shackled by the way you are (poem)
Distant lands divided us We were separated only by the sea Then I felt the harsh winds from your soul Eternal cruelty You said the ultimate two words in life…
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Only one place on Earth
I have been lucky enough to travel to all corners of the world, Europe, Canada, America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and All over the Middle East, Russia, China and…
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Shackled by your way of life
Distant lands divided us We were separated only by the sea Then I felt the harsh winds from your soul Eternal cruelty You said the ultimate two words in life…
The secret side of us.
There are some things we just cannot tell, some things that we don’t want others to know. We as individuals are all entitled to secrets, secrets so personal that we…
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My new years resolutions
Well here we are again! The end of another year as we say goodbye to 2008 and hello to 2009 it is time once again to think about changes in…
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More than "Just a TV"
I was rudely awoken in the guest room of my parents house this morning at 11am. “Dean, are you awake?” asked my mum “Guess I am now”, I replied. “Good,…
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This is not a Mans World
This is womans Dart’s World Champion Anastasia Dobromyslova. This week she took part in the PDC Dart’s World Championship. The first time that a female has taken part at this…
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The perfect tonic
As another year comes to an end we often reflect about how it has gone, the highs and lows and of course make those resolutions that we will most certainly…