Life’s only guarantee

Life’s only guarantee

As days turn into years,
we grow old and change,
Our thoughts evolve into memories,
our lives, they rearrange.

As the years pass,
we’re caught in social media’s snare,
We miss the moments that matter
Yet we no longer seem to care.

Events unfold around us,
the world turns into a haze,
We chase the likes and trends in life
As time runs down the days.

We fret about the trivial things,
Lost in a digital tomb,
Life’s treasures don’t lie online
Like we were born from the womb.

Life’s clock ticks closer
To the eventual final bell,
Where we look back as we wasted time,
A final silent yell.

In those final moments,
We look to the final sky,
And wonder, did we use the time so wise,
For our sands of time run dry.

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