I Am Who I Am(Poem)

I Am Who I Am(Poem)

As the sun rises full of morning light,
I brush the shackles from the night,
My soul has wandered far and near,
Faced the world and fought its fear.

A heart that’s carved from tales of old,
With dreams of joy so pure and bold,
My words, they echo a sorry song,
Yet I’ve faced it all alone and strong.

A child once lost in fields of the past,
Now an adult, I’m here to last.
In my eyes remains that little glint,
A testament to life’s blueprint.

With every year, my spirit grows,
A river runs where wisdom flows.
For deep within I hold the key
To who I’ve always longed to be.

For life is a journey that I won’t waste,
Nobody knows what I have lived or faced.
So here is to the next stage I live,
Where I promise to grow and forgive.

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