Embrace The Years (Poem)

Embrace The Years (Poem)

As the days and months turn into years,
I no longer fear.
Each wrinkle on my face
Tells the time of passing years.

The seasons change, and so do we,
With many stories to be told.
Yet, as beautiful as autumn’s leaf,
Our remaining time will unfold.

From spring’s rain to winter’s snow,
The hairs grow grayer by the day.
For life stops for nobody;
That is the eternal way.

People come, and people go,
Yet the sun sets every night,
Replaced by the familiar moon,
Aglow with all its light.

Do not mourn the days that slip away,
For each is there to live.
Forget the troubles of the past,
Let go, and learn to forgive.

Time waits for no one,
Not you nor I, my friend.
What truly is the key to life
Is that we are happy in the end.

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