We met under starlight shadows
Held me in strong arms
Amongst the starlit wonders
Kept me safe from harm
Floating on a cloud
Protected from the dark
Fear no longer controlled me
Pain could leave no mark
You asked me if I loved you
Of course, I would say “yes.”
I fear that if I said no
I’d have blood upon my dress
My friends no longer called me
You would not let me go out
Even to wear makeup
Would make you scream and shout
My phone was once a book
Of everyone I knew
Now its just the ones you trust
My life’s controlled by you
I remember the time we were walking
A male friend waved to me
The minute doors were closed off
You took your fist to me
Makeup hides the bruises
Fake smile to masquerade
Yet a new cut will await me
As the old one starts to fade
Jealousy of others
Can’t you see your insecure
Yet I cannot say another word
Or I’ll end up on the floor
My heart feels so abandoned
It yearns to set free
Yet you clipped its wings so perfect
For all eternity
For now, you ask if I love you
My answer is always “yes.”
Yet tomorrow I will start to plan
For my heart is such a mess