About Me

About Me

This website is about the world I live in, my personal thoughts, observations and opinions on life the universe and everything.


My website is a snapshot of creativity, thoughts on life, a showcase of poetry and a link to who I am.

Don’t take all you read so seriously and above all enjoy!

4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hey Dean…

    I discovered your site after googling for a poem about a phoenix , I want ed one on my wall on FB.
    I really really liked yours…..so I stole it from you. Hope you don’t mind….I mentioned your name and I liked your site on Facebook, so I hope it’s good advertisement for you.
    You have great style and just wanted to let you know…


  2. Hejsan Dean!
    have you been any to the northern part of sweden?
    i live in Bollnäs, Hälsingland, and would like to share my favorite picture i took this summer.
    After climbing a tiny mountain to a 5meter high tower, i got this wonderful view over where i live.

    i do like winter but i must say i’m glad summer is coming!
    as Orienteering is my favorite sport.
    not to mention swimming in the lakes and go fishing!!


  3. Hi Marcus!

    I have been to Sundsvall and Lulea that is about far north as I have gone! That is a great picture! Makes me long for Summer 🙂

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