Tears That Form The Future (Poem)

Tears That Form The Future (Poem)

Shadows cast by hatred’s hand
Where fear and innocence collide
Children stand on uncertain land
Witness the destruction of a nation’s pride

People attacking people
Without knowing who they are
The color of ethnicity
Hides many an internal scar

They see the hurt, they feel the pain,
The violence ceases to fade
Their eyes, they cry in tearful rain
Through the pain that violence made

From every shout and every cry
Fists smash with bitter truth
The world they knew begins to die
From stolen dreams of youth

Grown men attack each other
There is nowhere to run or hide
The children have more maturity
From a stronger pride inside

When the violence is all over
The smoke has cleared the skies
We lay hope within the children
For the future is their prize

Children, the bearers of the strife,
Will shape the world with tender hands,
From ashes of a shattered life,
They’ll build a hope that forever stands.

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